Seeking an internship or Co-Op opportunity which would include Computer Applications Development, System Programming, and Software Engineering.
EDUCATION Santa Clara University, School of Engineering, Santa
Clara, CA
February 2000
Master of Science, Computer Engineering
National Chiao Tung University, College of E.E. and C.S.,
Hsinchu, Taiwan
June 1995
Bachelor of Science, Electrical and Control Engineering
. Computer Architecture . Data
Structures and Algorithms
. Operating Systems
. OO Analysis, Design & Programming
. Switching Theory
. Formal Languages and Introduction
. Computer Graphics I
to Compiler Construction
. Computer Networks
. Introduction to Microprocessor
. Electronics
. System Programming
* Formal Languages and Introduction to Compiler Construction
4/99 – 6/99
“ A C++ interpreter (in C) ”
- Built the scanner of C++ interpreter for lexical analysis.
- Implemented the C++ grammar and built the parser for syntax
- Dealt the error handling by semantic analysis.
* OO Analysis, Design & Programming
1/99 – 3/99
“ Home Temperature Control System ( in Java ) ”
- Used Java application to simulate a home temperature controlling
- Built conceptual model, class diagrams, and class specification for
structural analysis.
- Built Use-cases, CRC cards, state diagrams, and sequential diagrams
for behavioral analysis.
* Data Structures and Algorithms
9/98 – 12/98
- All programs were developed by C/C++.
- Implemented Huffman Code by Greedy algorithm, B-tree by Divide and
Conquer algorithm,
NP-complete Problem by Backtracking algorithm.
* System programming
2/94 – 6/94
- Implemented a 8086 Assembly Compiler ( in C )
- Implemented a loder for executed file of MS-DOS.
Assistant Programmer, Lingo Computer Corp., Taiwan
1/98 – 6/98
( A 3-D computer game studio )
- Assisted the design of 3-D computer graphics program. ( using OpenGL
- Drew 3-D objects, simulated the motion of objects, changed the view
of scene, etc.
- Assisted the design of AI program.
- Dealt the shortest path problem, decision game tree, collection detect,
Programming Language : BASIC, Pascal, C/C++, Java, 80x86 Assembly
Operating System : MS-DOS, MS-Windows 98/NT, Unix, Linux
Software : Borland C++ Builder / Delphi, Microsoft Visual C++/
Visual BASIC, Symantec Visual Café,
Rational Rose, SUN Java JDK, Lex/Flex, Yacc/Bison, OpenGL
Vice President : Overseas Chinese Students Association, SCU
President : Chinese Chess / Go Club, NCTU